Boynton Beach Pirate Festival and Mermaid Splash is an annual event held in Boynton Beach, FL.
Venue: ✩✩✩✩ (4/5)
Entertainment: ✩✩✩ (3/5)
Visitor Information: ✩✩✩✩ (4/5)
Value for the Money: ✩✩✩✩✩ (5/5)
The venue was several square blocks of restaurants and shops in downtown Boynton Beach. This was a fantastic choice as there was plenty of shade and options for drinks and snacks. There were plenty of people in costumes and everyone was friendly and was having a blast! The mermaids were beautiful and the kids really loved seeing them. Did I mention it was free?
The entertainment was good, but it wasn’t as prolific as it is in most ren fairs. It was super kid friendly, which is a pro for families with young kids, but for others it can be a distraction. Also, nothing jumped out at me as being unique or spectacular. I don’t have a “favorite thing.”
Boytnon Beach Pirate Festival was enjoyable. I feel you can spend the entire day there and seek out the different acts and characters and have more fun than our initial impression. While I wouldn’t travel from out of town for just this event, I would 100% go if I was a local, and this part of Florida has so much to offer, that you can justify a trip if you bundle some other fun stuff to do. Check it out.